
Psychology Listening, Reading and Viewing While in Quarantine A collection of psychology-related podcasts, nonfiction articles, short stories, movies, and television shows to keep you entertained while in quarantine. 

PsyTeachR University of Glasgow's fantastic introduction to statistics in R for psychology students. 

The Lametti Lab R Cheat Sheet A collection of R functions that the lab uses for data wrangling, statistical analyses, and figure creation. 

Pink Trombone The best speech synthesizer on the internets. 

Neurosynth.org Run large-scale neuroimaging studies from your living room. 

Dan's Articles for Slate.com A link to all thirty-four of the articles Dan wrote for Slate.com as a 2012 editorial intern including the (weirdly) controversial, Why you should go to graduate school in science.  

How to Make the New Yorker's 20 Under 40 A guide for aspiring fiction writers.